Injuries are known for being painful, both at the time and often throughout recovery. However very few compare to dislocations – the pain at the time of injury, the pain through recovery and the extreme chance of reoccurrence.
Why are dislocation injuries so painful?
Dislocation injuries involve a bone leaving the socket or casing of its joint. During the process of this, often the force causes damage to the surrounding ligaments, tendons and muscles because they are moved so far outside their usual movement allowance dictated by the joint. Some dislocation injuries also cause nerves to become trapped or damaged, this can result in lifelong issues with nerve pain or inactivity.
Why can the recovery of dislocation injuries take so long?
Recovery for dislocation injuries is often extended due to the complexity of the damage, and the requirements for progressive movement in order to help the joint and surrounding areas return to normal. Some tissues (for example ligaments and tendons) also receive very little blood flow, so this can prolong the healing process as well. Your physiotherapist should be heavily involved throughout the recovery phase of this, to ensure that whilst healing is taking place that your joint is recovering back into normal movement patterns.
Why is the chance of another dislocation in the same area so likely?
Unfortunately, the chance of dislocating the same area is increased due to the damage caused by the force of the injury. This means that tissue such as ligaments and tendons are quite tough, and when stretched through injury often stay “longer” than they should be for the joint, making it easier for the limb to be dislocated again. If any surrounding muscles were injured, sometimes the scar tissue can be quite tough and less flexible than normal muscle fibres, this can also make it easier to tear.
How can my physio help?
Your physiotherapist is fundamental to the healing and recovery process. Every situation and injury is individual, this is why it is so important that your physiotherapist guides you every step of the way. They can help in a range of ways, through minimising swelling and scar tissue building, to supporting you in strengthening and rehabilitating the injured area.
How can I avoid a dislocation injury?
Although dislocation injuries can’t be completely prevented, there is plenty you can do to help lower your chances of incurring one.
> Wear protective equipment
> Ensure the proper (and safe) techniques and skills are learned before entering game situations
> Warm up, stretching and cool down that relates directly to the activity you are engaging in
> Working on strength and flexibility, especially on weaker area points
Rehabilitation after a dislocation injury is crucial from day one. Trust Progressive Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy to work with you, and for you, to get you back on your feet when it counts the most. We take a holistic approach, and work alongside you every step of the way to make it as hassle-free as possible! Contact the practice for an assessment today on (02) 4721 7798, email or book your appointment online today, here.