When it comes to Acupuncture v Dry Needling have you ever thought to yourself, what actually is the difference?
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, and is a well-known form of Chinese medicine. Here at Progressive Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy we often use Dry Needling to support our patients, and although the equipment is technically the same, our aim is significantly different to those in traditional medicine.
What is the difference?
Acupuncture aims to increase the flow of essential energy around the body, to lower pain, swelling and discomfort. It is believed that by increasing the flow of energy, or redirecting around blockages, other issues and illnesses can be managed and prevented. Dry needling is a form of intra-muscular stimulation or IMS, this means that the needles are inserted into the muscle to help relieve “knots” and trigger points. In these areas, the blood vessels and nerves are often compressed causing acid build up and often issues with mobility and pain.
How do these knots and trigger points happen?
Myofascial Dysfunction is the technical term for this, and it can happen to anyone at any time in almost any activity. The muscle has twisted/contracted, and has not relaxed.
- Injury – over-doing it in a movement, or not allowing a muscle to rest properly
- Quick or unexpected jerking movements – turning your head too quickly, or slipping
- Overuse – for example sitting at a desk, or in the same position for too long
- Stress
- Change in exercise routine, increase in training
- Some conditions, illness and diseases
How does dry needling actually help?
The needles used are extremely fine, and are gently inserted through the skin straight into the muscle where the knot or trigger point has occurred – some people may need multiple needles across various points to have the most benefit. As the body notices this “foreign object”, it send blood to the area. Blood filling the knot/trigger point allows it to release the tension (and any trapped nerves and blood vessels). It also helps to wash out any nasty acid build ups and allow the healing process to start if necessary.
Think you might benefit from this?
Trust Progressive Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy and their elite team of physiotherapists to work with you, and for you, to get you back on your feet when it counts the most. We take a holistic approach, and work alongside you every step of the way to make it as hassle-free as possible! Contact the practice for an assessment today on (02) 4721 7798, email info@progressiverehab.com.au or book your next appointment here.