Despite popular belief, elbow pain can arise from a variety of contributing factors, not just from playing tennis.
When you think about it, your elbow is constantly moving in a repetitive motion. Everyday tasks and everyday living demands your elbows to be at work.
So, it’s no wonder that from time to time just about anyone can develop a sore elbow. It’s a lot more of a common pain than you think and we definitely see it here in our clinic.
Everyday triggers of elbow pain can include the following simple tasks & movements:
– Typing
– Intricate assembly work
– Food preparation
Repetitive movements such as these can potentially cause discomfort and pain as a result of strain injuries or possible nerve entrapment.
Of course, elbow pain can also arise from a particular event such as:
– A fall
– Sporting accident
Osteoarthritis can also be a leading cause of elbow pain as we continue to age. It’s important to treat your elbow pain as long-term pain can result in poor mobility and hinder you from your usual activities.
While physio is a highly effective way to manage elbow pain, it can be difficult to avoid triggers during treatment. This is why a long-term treatment plan is recommended.
Don’t put up with your elbow pain any longer. Contact the Progressive Physiotherapy team on (02) 4721 7798 for a thorough assessment and tailored treatment plan.