With daylight savings coming to an end later this week, before we know it, the evenings will get darker, early mornings and nights will get cooler and our motivation to exercise and maintain an active lifestyle will decrease.
It’s true, exercising in the cold becomes a bit of a challenge for us all (even when we don’t want to admit it!).
This week, we wanted to share with you 5 quick tips that you can implement to help you exercise in the cooler months and to limit your risk of injury in the process. After all, who wouldn’t want to exercise in winter without an issue?
Tip 1. Sometimes it’s better to be warm before you leave for your outdoor workout. If it’s too cold outside, do your core exercises and warm up indoors such as squats, push-ups and lunges. That way, you’re warm before you leave and getting started outside won’t be as challenging.
Tip 2. When completing an outdoor workout in cooler temperatures, you can often feel like you’re not as thirsty. Don’t be fooled, remember to keep hydrated to reduce cramping and fatigue, which in-turn, can reduce your risk of injury.
Tip 3. When the head, hands and feet are warm, so too is your body. In really cold temperatures, think about wearing a hat, some thick socks or even gloves to stop your body from releasing too much heat. A warmer body is better than a cold body when it comes to injury prevention!
Tip 4. Another way to reduce your risk of injury in the cooler months is to take your time warming up and to reduce the intensity of your workout. Always remember to adjust your outdoor workouts to the conditions.
Tip 5. If your outdoor workout includes walking or running on the pavement, be sure to assess how slippery the pavement is and be cautious. The last thing you want is a nasty fall as these can quite often lead to orthopaedic injuries.
If you think you may have an ongoing injury that needs attention before you begin to exercise in the cooler months, our highly experienced team will be able to assess and manage the issue before it progresses. Keep your exercise regime and level of activity going as we head into winter and continue to achieve your goals without injury weighing you down!
If you’re wanting to address any ongoing pain or current injuries, call Progressive Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy today on 47217798 or email: info@progressiverehab.com.au to book an appointment. You can also book online by clicking here.