Did you know that 16% of Australians suffer from back pain day to day? The chronic and widespread nature of back problems often lead to poorer quality of life, psychological distress, bodily pain and disability. We are here to tell you that lower back pain doesn’t have to take over your life!
Back problems increase with age and can have many causes. Your back is a complex system of vertebrae, discs, nerves ligaments, tendons and muscles. It keeps you upright, helps you walk and gives you an amazing range of movement and strength.
Pain medication is not the only answer and provides only temporary relief for your lower back pain. When you come into Progressive Physio, we will get to know your history and take you through an assessment process to get to the root of your pain.
An accurate assessment of your back pain is key to getting the right treatment and finding long term relief for you! Analgesics and painkillers are commonly used to manage back pain, temporarily, but can come with complications. At Progressive, once your physiotherapist has an accurate picture of your condition they will:
- Talk to you about the best treatment options
- Create a personalised rehabilitation program
- Suggest exercises for you to do at home
- Give you strategies to manage and minimise your pain.
Hands-on physiotherapists are often the best starting point to ease your lower back pain and will help you with long term results. Progressive will educate you and be by your side every step of the way through your rehabilitation in managing your lower back pain.
Don’t wait to get help from an experienced physiotherapist to get to the source of your pain and recommend the best treatment options that will bring you long term relief. Talk to your local physiotherapist today!