Every individual’s recovery and injury process is different, which means no two are the same!
When it comes to recovery, a tailored rehabilitation plan with an experienced physiotherapist is the only way you can be assured the following measurable objectives are of focus:
- Range of motion
- Flexibility
- Pain
- Swelling
- General function & mobility
These 5 factors will result in the successful rehabilitation of your fracture. As these 5 factors impact your rate of rehabilitation, you will also notice a significant change in the following elements:
- Decrease in symptoms
- Limitation of pain
- Protection against other fractures
- Improved range of movement and flexibility
- Strengthen surrounding muscle fibres
- Promoting positive ligament healing, resulting in a faster rate of recovery!
Having a tailored rehabilitation plan for your post-fracture recovery needs will also involve overcoming the after-effects of being in a cast or a sling for 6-8 weeks. As our body is interconnected when one part is injured other parts overcompensate. For example, if you are recovering from a fractured ankle injury and have been prescribed a boot, this can have implications on your hip and knee such as reduced muscle function, muscle weakness and muscle stiffness for being in a boot for a long period of time.
It’s not just the bone that’s often affected
As stated above, when you injure one specific joint or bone, you often end up affecting the entire injury site and connecting ligaments and bones. An important part of post fracture rehabilitation is to work on improving reduced muscle function, muscle weakness and muscle stiffness, by doing your prescribed exercises via your physiotherapist. When a fracture occurs, usually a lot of soft tissue damage will also occur, which must be attended to.
What happens if you don’t have post fracture rehabilitation
For those who choose to not undergo a rehabilitation plan after their fracture, can often experience pain and a significant loss of function at the injury site that may be temporary or permanent. Individuals may also find that the fracture will never heal properly and will be permanently injured. For example, a shoulder fracture without seeing a physiotherapist can lead to the bone never healing. However, most people who would like to resume their chosen sport, career or daily activities sooner, would undertake a thorough rehabilitation plan with a local physiotherapist.