Resistance training is the form of exercise that uses your muscles to pull, push or resist against a force that builds strength and endurance.
Resistance training can be in various forms that cause the muscles to contract such as lifting weights, using resistance bands or moving against your body weight.
While there is an abundance of benefits to resistance training, research shows that it plays a key role in injury prevention. Resistance training improves strength and flexibility in the muscles, allowing the body to become more enduring against injuries. With that in mind, here are three ways that resistance training helps reduce the risk of injury.
Reduce muscle imbalances
During resistance training, building strength up in the muscles can assist in balancing out weakness in different muscle groups. Muscle imbalances develop when a certain muscle group becomes much stronger than its opposing group, often a result of the specific sport or training style the individual performs. Therefore, if one muscle group is imbalanced, it can place additional stress on opposing muscles and result in soreness, strains and injury.
Improves bone density and joint strength
Resistance training is known to help strengthen the ligaments, tendons and muscles, but it also improves bone density. By placing additional stress on the body during exercise, bone density will improve and increase, reducing the risk of Osteoporosis. Resistance training can help strengthen ligaments and tendons while increasing flexibility in the joints. Thus, decreasing the risk of joints from becoming strained, sprained or torn.
Improve stability and balance
As resistance training helps build strength in the muscles, it further boosts your balance, coordination and posture. As a result, the risk of musculoskeletal injuries and soreness throughout the body reduces. With improved balance and stability, the risk of falls will be significantly reduced.
Resistance training is a component of injury prevention that every athlete should incorporate into their training. Here at Progressive, our team are experienced in a range of areas including resistance training to promote injury management and recovery. If you want to incorporate resistance training into your routine, talk to the Progressive team this week.