The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and has a very large range of motion. These two factors increase the probability of experiencing pain or sustaining an injury to this joint that we use constantly in everyday life.
Although most shoulder problems or slight shoulder pain is short lived, it’s important to know what’s normal and what isn’t so normal in terms of shoulder aches and pains.
What’s normal:
It’s quite common to have a slight pain after playing a game of sport that involves a lot of overhead movements. There are four major tendons that essentially make up the rotator cuff and the biceps tendon. These can easily become inflamed after activities like overhead throwing, overhead lifting, pitching and shooting a basketball or netball. This is a common occurrence.
Should you continue to experience a little shoulder pain during sport, try to limit the amount of overhead shoulder activity, take it down a notch and usually that irritating pain will subside.
It’s not just those who participate in sport who can be prone to mild shoulder pain. Office workers can often experience painful shoulders. This has a lot to do with posture.
Being slumped over a desk, constantly reaching for your mouse and typing away all day can commonly cause shoulder irritation and discomfort. Simple measures such as ensuring your shoulders are pulled back in line with your hips and pulling in your belly button can help.
What’s not so normal:
It’s important to listen to and understand your own body. Only you know your body better than anyone else. If your shoulder pain starts to interfere with everyday activities or you experience pain without motion, it may be time to seek a professional opinion and assessment.
Another red flag that can point to a potentially serious shoulder problem is pain and discomfort at night. Some of the most common shoulder problems include:
– Shoulder dislocation
– Acromioclavicular joint (AC joint) injuries
– Rotator cuff injuries
– Labral tears
– Thrower’s shoulder
– Impingement injuries
– Bursitis & fractures
Thankfully, many of these common shoulder conditions can be treated and managed overtime thanks to physical therapy. If you’re concerned about your shoulder pain and would like a thorough assessment, the experienced team at Progressive Sports & Spinal Physiotherapy in Penrith can help you.
Contact us today to arrange an assessment on (02) 4721 7798.